Helpful Tips If Your Car Has Hail Damage
On April 12th one of the worst hail storms in recent history hit San Antonio. Most residences have never experienced an event such as this. It can be difficult to understand the repair process in an event like this. We have prepared a video to help you understand the process leading up to the repairs.
Thousands of vehicles were damaged in this storm. Insurance companies are really overwhelmed at this time. Body shops and Hail Dent repair Shops such as ours are at full capacity. So please be patient with all of us. Were limited as to how much we can do.
What You Should Know About Hail Damage Repair Estimates
We here at Concours Auto Salon, in an effort to help our customer’s make an informed choice for hail damage repairs are providing our customers this information to you to help you better understand our process and our consideration regarding your repairs. You may find a disparity in the cost estimates provided to you by us and by your insurance company. The following information will help you better understand hail damage repair costs.
It has been our experience that insurance companies under estimate the full extent of the damage leaving the customer believing we are over priced. This is far from the truth. Here is what you need to know. When the adjuster comes to inspect your vehicle, he or she look over the vehicle and make their assessment of the damage and give you an estimate. When we inspect a vehicle for hail damage, we place the vehicle under professional high grade lighting which typically shows far more damage than can be seen in a common source of light. Our goal is to get you all the repairs you deserve and are entitled to. At this point it is often necessary to file a supplemental claim with your insurance company which we will provide on your behalf should you choose to have us do your repairs.
We hope that this information will help you should you find yourself in need of hail damage repair. We are here to serve you to the best of our ability. We thank you for considering us for your repairs.
The post What You Should Do If Your Car Has Hail Damage appeared first on Concours Auto Salon.